To the Dickinson Diamonds web-site.

We hope this becomes a great means of communication for the Directors, the Booster Club, the Diamonds and their parents.

Please check back on a weekly basis for the latest Diamond news.

Thank you!

Dickinson Diamonds Booster Club

Thanks to all the Diamonds who contributed Christmas presents along with letters/cards for our soldiers. The gifts we received will be packed along with many other contributions at the H.O.M.E (Helping Our Military Endure) Packing Party on Thursday, December 1st at 5:00 pm at Hope Church in Clear Lake, TX. Once again, our Diamonds make us proud!

Upcoming Events

Hope you are enjoying your November.  The Diamonds have begun working on their competition routines as well as routines for Bling and PomCo as we head into our next events.

Thursday, December 1st - Moody Gardens Festival of Lights Performance 6:00 - 7:30 pm.  All unsold tickets need to be returned to Ms Mills by Monday, November 14th.  If you need additional tickets you can still purchase them from Ms Mills until Wednesday, November 16th in order for the Diamonds to get some credit for the sale.  Tickets will be available at Moody Gardens but we will not make any money off tickets sold at the door.

Thursday, December 8th - Dickinson Christmas Parade. Diamonds will line-up at True Cross Catholic Church at 5:45 pm.

Thursday, December 15th - Diamond Christmas Party at Highlands Baptist Church, LaMarque

Coming up in January...January Jubilee Solo & Group Competition.  Solo money ($45) is due by November 18th. More information to come.

Last week of Football

It's hard to believe that our football season has almost come to an end.  We are so proud of all our Diamonds - they have worked incredibly hard this season and have been the shining stars at each game. While they have been learning routines, polishing steps and practicing, practicing, practicing, there has also been a lot of behind the scenes activity going on.  We want to take a moment and say thanks to all the parents, grandparents, family members and friends who have helped our Diamonds shine this season!

Special thanks to:
Our Diamond Photographer: Jennifer Wilkins
Our Communications Secretary: Anita Hughes
Our Football Chaperone Coordinator, Supplies, First Aid and Snack Coordinator: Monica Eaddy
Our Costume Volunteers (who made the cute Pebbles outfits): Kay Harrigan and Wadene West
 - thanks also to the parents, diamonds who helped sew the extra hook-n-eyes on the costumes
Our Snack and Concession Stand Coordinator and Awesome Treasurer: Wadene West
Our Studs and Managers: Shelby, Jared, Anna, Brittany, Carrie
Our Wonderful Directors: Ms Mills and Ms Hardage
Our Homecoming Chairperson, Booster President and overall Coordinator: Shellie Vaughan
 - thanks to everyone who worked the Homecoming Dance...it was a huge success!
Our Homecoming Photographers: Tracy McMeekin and Jennifer Wilkins
Our Security Dads: Mr Maldonado, Mr Montemayor, Mr Hughes, Mr Lundstrom, Mr Frank, Mr Thorn, Mr McMeekin, Mr Deem, Mr Eaddy and Mr Wickware
Our Chaperone Moms: Ms Ana, Ms Vickie, Ms Anita, Ms Johanna, Ms Holly, Ms Annette, Ms Deanna, Ms Chanda, Ms Mille, Ms Ruby, Ms Tracy, Ms LaNita, Ms Pat
Our Concession Stand Workers & Snack Parents
Our Bobs (Fred Flintstones) who danced with our beautiful Pebbles!
Our Halftime Announcer: Jonathan Hughes

Wow, I'm probably missing someone but I think you get the idea that every parent and volunteer helps our organization run!  Thanks for all that you do in getting your girls to practice, encouraging them and helping them accomplish so much.  We love our girls and we love our volunteers.

Thanks again for a terrific 2011 Season. Don't forget - one more game - this Saturday vs Clear Brook at 2 pm at the Creek Stadium.  Hope to see you there one last time cheering on our Gators and our Dickinson Diamonds!

Bob and Sue Dance

Bob and Sue Dance is coming up next week.  If you are unfamiliar with this dance - it is the dance that each girl gets to dance with a male partner - dads, grand-dads, teachers, friends, brothers, etc.  Rehearsals for the dance are next week October 24, 25 & 27 from 6:00 - 6:30 pm in the dance room. 

Helpers are needed this Saturday, October 22nd in the dance room at 10am to help sew Hook-N-Eyes on the Pebble's costumes.  Your Diamonds will receive 20 merits if you are able to come and help.

Men will need to wear an orange shirt for the dance or a Fred Flintstone costume.

Festival of Lights

This December the Diamonds and Charms Teams have been invited to perform in the Festival of Lights at Moody Gardens in Galveston, TX on Thursday, December 1st from 6 - 7:30 pm.  Each Diamond and Charm is required to sell 5 tickets each at $5.95 per ticket.  Our profit on each ticket is $2.  The fair share amount to pay if you do not sell your tickets is $30.  All payments must be in by November 4, 2011. Additional tickets are also available upon request.

Sparkle and shine Diamonds and Charms!

Dickinson Gators vs Clear Springs

Please note: This week's football game is on THURSDAY, October 20th. The buses will leave the school on Thursday afternoon at 5:30 pm. The Diamonds will be performing their KICK routine.

This week's chaperones are: Holly Frank, Johanna Yanas, Tracy McMeekin, Deanna Moore
Our Security Dads are: Ruben Maldonado, Ricky Lundstrum, Jason McMeekin, Jonathan Hughes

Our Snack Coordinator for the week is Tomeka Henry

Any questions about Football Chaperoning should be addressed to Monica Eaddy at radgsxr650@yahoo.com or Shellie Vaughan at lowball98@aol.com

Homecoming Week

The Dickinson Gators take on Alvin this Friday for our Homecoming game!  The Diamonds have been busy all week preparing for the weekend.  Great job to all the Diamonds and Bling/PomCo at the parade last night! Thanks to all the fans who came out to support our Dickinson Diamonds!

Homecoming chaperones for the Friday night game include Vickie Montemayor, Millie Martinez, Johanna Torres and Anita Hughes.  Our security dads are Anthony Wickware, John Thorn, Ruben Maldonado and Ricky Lundstrom. Jozette Green is our snack coordinator for this week.

Homecoming Dance details for Saturday, Oct 15th include decoration time at 10 am for the Dance Cmt, Socials and any Diamond who wants to earn merits for helping out. Some dads are needed at 10:00 to help unload the heavy columns. The girls need to sell all their tickets or pay fair-share in the amt of $50 and must attend 2 hours of the Homecoming Dance. The Diamond New-News will be responsible for clean-up beginning at 10:30 pm. 

All volunteers need to be at the school by 5:30 pm. The dance is scheduled for 7-11 pm.

If you have any questions, please contact diamondsecretary@gmail.com or lowball98@aol.com

Homecoming News

Homecoming is next week!  Here are the latest details.

Tuesday, October 11 - Diamond Booster Club Mtg at 7 pm in the DHS Cafeteria. We will be finalizing Homecoming Dance plans and talking about the next couple months. Not a booster club member yet? See forms in the Forms Section on the right and join us as we make decisions to support our Diamonds!

Wednesday, October 12 - Dickinson Homecoming Parade.  Diamonds line up at 4:45 pm (Place still TBD) The parade will end at the High School Stadium where Bling/PomCo will perform at the Homecoming Pep Rally.

Friday, October 14 - Homecoming Game vs Alvin - Kick-off at 7 pm.

Saturday, October 15 - Homecoming Dance (sponsored by the Dickinson Diamonds!!!)   7-11 pm.  Diamonds will be selling tickets from Oct 3 - 14. All Diamonds must sell 10 tickets each. Tickets for the dance are $5.00 each.  Decorating will begin Saturday morning at 10:00 am.  All New-News will be expected to work clean-up at the end of the dance. Volunteers are still needed for bag check, decorating, and concessions/refreshment areas.

Friday Night Lights

What a sight each Friday night as the Dickinson Diamonds march into the stadium.
We love our Diamonds!! 

There are so many volunteers involved in helping our Diamonds shine each week. A big THANKS to the Concession Stand volunteers who worked so diligently on September 9th & 30th. Your support and the generosity of your valuable time will not be forgotten!  Also thanks to those who have been working as Chaperones, Security Dads and Snack Coordinators. 

Please keep in mind that if you are scheduled as a volunteer in any position, you must confirm your status with Diamond Booster Volunteer, Monica Eaddy at radgsar650@yahoo.com so that we know you are ready to go! If you have not confirmed yet, please contact her as soon as possible!

Here are the volunteers scheduled for the next two games:

This week, Friday October 7th - (Away) at Pearland
Security Dads: Ruben Maldonado, Mike Frank, Jonathan Hughes and Jason McMeekin
Chaperones: Deanna Moore, Holly Frank, Anita Hughes, Ruby Torres
Snack Person: Shellie Vaughan

Next week, Friday, October 14th (Homecoming Game)
Security Dads: Ruben Maldonado, Ricky Lundstrom, Anthony Wickware
Chaperones: Millie Martinez, Vickie Montemayor, Johanna Yanas, Anita Hughes
Snack Person: Jozette Green

Diamond of the Month

Congratulations to Brittany Frank, Diamond of the month. (October)

October is coming!

There are a lot of exciting things coming up for our Dickinson Diamonds in the month of October. First let me say, thanks to all (Diamonds, Charms, Royals, Parents, Friends, etc)  who helped with the car wash last weekend.  It was a very successful fundraiser!

October brings Homecoming and all the events surrounding Homecoming (the parade, carnival, game and of course our big fundraiser - the Homecoming Dance!) The rest of September and moving into October will also bring five more football games that include another night in the Concessions Stand (Sept 30), Homecoming (Oct 15) Parent Night and Bob and Sue Dance (Oct 28) to name a few.

Here are the highlights for our parents, Diamonds and fans:

Sept 30 - Football Game (Home) vs Brazoswood.  Concessions Stand Night for the Diamonds.  If you are already signed up to work - please report to the main concession stand no later than 5:30 to be assigned to your work station for the evening.  If you have not signed up yet please contact Shellie Vaughan at lowball98@aol.com

October 3-14 - Homecoming Dance Tickets on sale.  Each Diamond must sell a minimum of 10 tickets. Ticket cost is $5 each.

October 7 - Football Game (away) at Pearland

October 11 - Booster Club Mtg at 7 pm in the DHS Cafeteria

Homecoming Events:
October 12 - Homecoming Parade - 5 pm
October 14 - Homecoming Game vs Alvin - 7 pm
October 15 - Homecoming Dance - 7-11 pm

October 20 - (Thursday) Football Game (away) at Springs (CCISD Stadium)

October 24, 25, 27 - Bob and Sue Dance practices - 6:00 - 6:30

October 26 - Early Release Day/no practice

October 28 - Football Game (Home) Parent's Night and Bob and Sue Dance

October 31 - No School

Homecoming Dance Volunteers

The Dickinson Homecoming Dance is scheduled for Saturday, October 15th.  A planning meeting for all dance volunteers will be held this Thursday, Sept 22nd at 7 pm in the HS Cafeteria.  The agenda for the mtg will be to plan and coordinate the following;

Ticket design/printing/sales
Ticket/money collectors
Bag Check
DJ set-up and class favorites awards
ROTC scheduling
Homecoming King/Queen special invites

Anyone who would like to help out with this year's Homecoming Dance may attend the Thursday meeting or contact Homecoming Chair, Shellie Vaughan, at lowball98@aol.com Thanks again for supporting your Dickinson Diamonds.

This week with the Diamonds

Tuesday, Sept 13th - Booster Club Mtg at 7 pm in the HS Cafeteria. We have updates on how football games are going and we will begin Homecoming discussions. Homecoming is only one month away!  We need lots of parental support to make this event the best ever! See you tonight!

Wednesday, Sept 14th - Don't forget DISD has early dismissal this week.

Friday, Sept 16th - NO FOOTBALL GAME and no practice after school! Enjoy your night off!

Concessions Week Diamond Parents!

One of the best fundraisers during the fall is working in the concession stands.  It only requires (6) people to work the game and it pays big!  Our concession stand workers for this year include the following parents: Tracy - Evon - LaTonya - Theresa - Ruby - Jennifer and Anita. Other workers might be needed (just in case)  If you might be available to work this week, please contact Board President, Shellie Vaughan at lowball98@aol.com If you don't work this week, please make sure you say thanks to the parents who helped out! Go Diamond Parents!

Congratulations to Keily Renovato - Diamond of the Month!
Keily is a 2-year Senior Diamond

Dickinson Gators vs Texas City 9-2-11

The Diamonds will meet in the dance room Friday, Sept 2 at 5:00 pm for inspection. DO NOT BE LATE! The booster club will provide pizza, lemonade and water.

Body Tights
Gauntlets - in sealed bag with name on it
Uniform Bodice
No visible panties!

Down and pretty
No bangs
Mascara and RED lips!

No nail polish - Ms Mills will check and there will be demerits
Clear and white tips only
No jewelry (rings, necklaces, bracelets or piercings)

EARS: (Optional)
Only small diamond studs
No dangles
No color

Tote Bag
Hat cover (in case of rain)
PONCHO!! clear, white or blue only. Can be purchased for 88 cents at Wal-Mart in the sporting goods section
Body Tights - no runs! We will check

Water bottle
Feminine products
Sweat rag
Personal medication

First Football Game

Gators vs Deer Park at Home
Friday, August 26th
Kick-off at 7 pm
Diamonds show-up time - 5:30 pm (Dance Room)
The Diamonds will be performing their POM routine

Best of luck Diamonds! We love you!

First Week of School

Summer camps are over and with the start of school today, we are officially in the Diamond Football Season.  Practices are pretty consistent each week.

Mondays - 2:30 - 4:00 pm
Tuesdays - NO PRACTICE
Wednesdays - 2:30 - 4:00 pm
Thursdays - 2:30 - 4:00 pm
Friday - 3:00 - 4:00 pm with the Gator Band

Meet the Gator Night is Wednesday August 24th. Please come out to the stadium as we meet our Football Players, Gator Marching Band, Cheerleaders, Coaches and our wonderful Dickinson Diamonds! All of this leads up to our first football game this Friday, August 26th at Home against Deer Park. The girls will be performing their POM routine.  Raffle tickets are due by 7th period Friday.

Keep shining Diamonds! You make us proud!

Treat the Teachers

Treat the Teachers is this Friday, August 19th. We need Diamonds to volunteer. They should arrive at 9:30 am and be done around 11:00 am. Please wear a Diamond T-shirt.

Diamond Schedule Aug 15-19

Monday, Aug 15th - 7:30 am - Team Pictures.
All Diamonds in full uniform. Please note there is a $5 sitting fee from every Diamond for the Team Composite that hangs in the Diamond classroom. Photography package forms have been given to Diamonds.

Tuesday, Aug 16th - 8:00 - 10:00 am - Bling Practice (note new time)

Wednesday, Aug 17th - 8:00 - 10:00 am - Bling Practice

Thursday, Aug 18th - 5:30 pm - Freshman Orientation
Bling Members only perform at Gator Nine at 6:00 pm.

Friday, Aug 19th - Treat the Teachers
More information about Treat the Teachers coming soon
Required Physical forms are also due by this date.

Fundraiser Information

Time to wash some cars and support your Diamonds! The carwash is tomorrow - Saturday, August 13 from 9 am - 3 pm. Each Diamond must pre-sell 5 tickets for this fundraiser with the fair-share value at $25 due at the carwash. Each Diamond should also bring 1 towel and 1 sponge for washing cars!  If you are a part of the Summer Treats Cmt - we are asking you to bring water bottles for the girls to help keep them hydrated.

The Football Season ticket raffle is still going at this time with each Diamond selling 20 tickets at a dollar a piece. (Fair-share $20)  Selling over 20 tickets is worth merits - one merit for every extra ticket sold. All money is due by August 25th. The drawing will take place at the first football game on August 26th.

Keep supporting your Diamonds!

Exciting Week Ahead!

Lots of activities for our Diamonds this week!  Practice August 8-11 (Monday - Thursday) from 8 - 3 daily.  Important Booster Club Meeting Tuesday night (August 9) at 7:00 pm in the DHS Cafeteria.  All Diamonds must be represented by a parent, grandparent or guardian at the meeting.  If you have not joined the Booster Club yet - there will be opportunities to join. If you would like to fill out a booster club form before the meeting, you will find a form in the forms section on the right side of this blog. Thursday, August 11th will be our Diamond Show-off! Please come and see what the girls have accomplised already at summer camp. No practice on Friday! The Diamond car-wash is on Saturday, August 13th. Sell-sell-sell those tickets! Keep shining Diamonds! You make us proud!

Line Camp Begins!

Schedule: 8/1-8/5
Monday, Aug 1 - Line Camp 8-4
Tuesday, Aug 2 - Line Camp 1-4 ONLY - please meet in dance rm at 12:30 pm
Wednesday, Aug 3 - Line Camp 8-4
Thursday, Aug 4 - Line Camp 8-4
Friday, Aug 5 - New-New Initiation 8-11/ Lunch in Kemah at Noon

Summer Treats for this week: 3:30 pm
Monday, Aug 1 - Anita Hughes
Tuesday, Aug 2 - Shellie Vaughan
Wednesday, Aug 3 - LaNita LaDay
Thursday, Aug 4 - Jennifer Wilkin
Friday, Aug 5 - No Summer Treat

Boot Camp Begins!

It's hard to believe that the start of Boot Camp and Line Camp are right around the corner! Boot camp begins on Monday, July 25th. Ms Mills says to be in the dance room by 8 am SHARP.  Please bring water and comfortable shoes for working out.  Boot Camp runs from 8-11 am.  Let's go Diamonds! Let's make this the best year ever!

Summer News

What a great week at Crowdpleasers Camp in Houston for the MILTOS and SOCOS! The next thing on the agenda for Diamonds is Boot Camp for the entire team beginning July 25th at 8:00 am.  Please notice the Important Diamond Dates on the right panel of this blog. We will do our best to keep you updated with the latest information. The next booster club meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 9th and we encourage all of our parents to join the booster club this year and help our Diamonds shine!  If you need a booster club form, you will find an updated copy in the Forms Section to the right of the page as well. There are some wonderful ways for parents to get involved with Diamonds this year. There are four ways to stay in touch with the latest news:
#1 - Word of Mouth - Diamonds communicate with your parents, grandparents and other adults in your life!
#2 - Diamond  blog - Once Boot Camp begins, try to check back on a weekly basis for the latest updates.
#3 - Email - If you have not been receiving news from diamondsecretary@gmail.com, please send Anita a note and she will add you to the distribution list.
#4 - Facebook - This is  used mostly as a "fan page" so feel free to encourage the Diamonds (yes, they look at the page frequently) and comment on upcoming events and dance issues. Remember to use this page as a means of affirmation and encouragement to your Diamond and to all the Diamonds in general!

Thanks for all you do for your Diamond!
Let's make this year the best ever!

2011 Gator Football Ads

We are starting the process of getting the 2011 Dickinson Gator Football Program together. Two forms for Sponsorship Ad and a personal ad for your “Diamond” are available in the "Forms" section on this blog. If you know of anyone who would like to advertise their company in the Dickinson Gator Booster Club 2011 Football Program  please pass this on to them. If you would like to place a personal ad for your“Diamond” in the program please fill out the  form for Personal Ads. These forms need to be into the Dickinson Gator Booster Club by July 20, 2011. If you have any questions regarding the Dickinson Gator Booster Club or the Dickinson Gator Football Program, please feel free to contact Holly Frank 832.691.0479    or  hollyfrank4@aol.com. 

Officer Camp and Practice this Week!

The MILTOS and SOCOS head off to the Crowdpleasers Dance Camp this Thursday, June 9th - Sunday, June 12th in Houston.  All officers plan to be at practice Tuesday and Wednesday (7th & 8th) from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Have a great week!

Our Deepest Sympathy

Our deepest sympathy is expressed to the family of Jona Cordero in the unexpected death of her aunt this weekend. (Johanna's sister) Please keep the Cordero and Yanas families in your thoughts and prayers as they go through these difficult times. This family is a very special part of the Diamond family - we send our condolences and deepest sympathy their way. Our prayers are with you.

This week with the Diamonds

Congratulations to all our 2010-2011 graduating senior Diamonds! You have accomplished so much!
College scholarships were awarded to the following Diamonds at the Awards Ceremony last week. This year's recepients are: Taryn Boyd, Cailei Griego, Brianne Louvierre, Jenny Meyers and Jessica Parada.

This week with the Diamonds includes the following events:

Wed. May 25th - Fine Arts Exhibition at DHS Gymnasium at 6:00 pm. The new 2011-2012 MILTOS, new BLING and the new POM-CO groups will perform at approximately 6:30 pm.

Thurs. May 26th - Annual Diamond Banquet at 5:00 pm/Dinner at 5:30 pm for all 2010-2011 Diamonds at the Doyle Convention Center in Texas City. Sorry, tickets are no longer available.

To all parents and Diamonds: Please make sure the Diamond Constitution and all paperwork gets turned in to Ms Mills asap.

Constitution and Installment Payment Due This Week

Thanks to all the Diamonds and Parents who came out for the Booster Meeting last night! Please remember that the constitution and all paper-work is due on Thursday, May 19th. All 2011-2012 Diamonds are required to meet after school on Thursday with Ms Mills.  The next installment payments are due on Friday, May 20th.

Miltos & Socos - $200.00
Diamond Vets - $65.00
New-News - see Ms Mills for more information

Don't forget to check the blog weekly.
Looking forward to a great year!

New SOCO's announced

Congratulations to the new SOCO officers for 2011-2012.
Pres- Courtney Vaughan
VP- Mayra DeHoyas
Social Chair- Nicole Brindamour
Jessie Boone
Michelle Maldonado
Sarah Martinez
Danielle Montemayor

The Upcoming Weeks

May 16th-20

4th period and 8th period will consist of our brand new POM COMPANY try-outs. Tuesday 17th & Wednesday 18th.
The new Military officers will practice after school from 2:45-3:30 on Monday 16th- Thursday 19th.

Thursday, May 19th - Required 2011-2012 Diamond Meeting after school 2:45 - 3:30 pm


Diamonds Banquet - Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Annual Dickinson Diamond Banquet will be held on Thursday, May 26th, 2011 at the Doyle Convention Center in Texas City,TX Banquet seating begins at 5:00 pm/Dinner starts at 5:30 pm.  All reservations and money must be turned in no later than Friday, May 6th.  Each Diamond gets a FREE banquet ticket.  All other tickets cost $20 a person. Cash and money orders are acceptable (no personal checks please) All Diamonds need to turn the banquet form in whether they plan to attend or not but we certainly hope all of them will be able to come celebrate the end of another wonderful Diamond season.

If you did not receive a form by email, please see attached link to Scribd.com http://www.scribd.com/doc/54238702/2011-Banquet-Form-Word

If you have any questions concerning the form or the banquet, you may email Anita at diamondsecretary@gmail.com

New Executive Board Members

A big thank you to last year's booster members and especially the executive board. A special thank you to our outgoing senior moms on the board! Dawn, Carol, Brittney & Cynthia - You have made this year so memorable and you will be dearly missed. As the new members take over, please be patient as they move into their new jobs. The new board consists of:

President: Shellie Vaughan
Vice President: Monica Eaddy
Treasurer: Wadene West
Co-Treasurer - Kay Harrigan
Recording Secretary: Johanna Yanas
Corresponding Secretary: Anita Hughes
Public Relations: Karen Brindamour & Deanna Moore
Historian/Photographer: Jennifer Wilkins

In addition to these board seats, chairpersons will be requested to run committees for upcoming events and fundraisers. Please plan to attend the mandatory booster club meeting on Tuesday, May 17th in the school cafeteria to sign up for new committees for the 2011-2012 year. Booster Club applications are now available $20 for new members (price includes window decal) and $10 for returning members.

NEW 2011-2012 MILTOS

Congratulations to the new 2011-2012 MILTOS
Colonel Alaina Hughes
Lieutenant Colonel Lindzey Duvall
1st Lieutenant Chrissy Siefert
Lieutenant Ivana Marsh
Lieutenant Jackie Ramirez
Lieutenant Becky Vela

SOCO tryouts are scheduled for next week. Good luck girls!

Important Dates and Information

February 15- SENIORS!! Pictures are due for Senior slide show. We need a baby or toddler picture and a recent, or Senior picture for the slide show. Please contact Carol Collins via email with questions. All pictures will be returned to you after slide show is completed.

Carol Boyd Collins- carol.boyd.collins@hp.com

March 22- All Diamonds please submit pictures for the Diamond Slide Show to Carol Collins, All pictures will be returned to you after the Diamond Slide Show is completed.

Carol Boyd Collins- carol.boyd.collins@hp.com

Diamond Dads- The Diamonds will learn the dad dance for the show in 8thperiod and come home to teach you. Practices for the Dad dance in Spring Show

• March 29 and 31- 6-7PM in Dance room

• April 12- 6:30-7PM- DHS auditorium

Senior Moms- The Diamond Mom dance this year is for all Seniors to dance with their Mothers, it will be sweet and a little sad. The girls will learn the dance in 8thperiod and come home to teach you. The practices will be held

• April 5 and 7- 6-7PM in the Dance room

• April 12-6-6:30PM DHS auditorium

All Diamonds- This semester we have two very important fund raisers that all Diamonds are required to a participate in and raise money for the organization.

1- Program Ads- All Diamonds are required to sell a minimum of 1- $25 Ad for our Spring Show program. If the Diamond does not sell an ad or make a personal ad for $25, she must turn in $25 as her fair share for this fund raiser. All Ads or money is due by March 4, 2011. All checks can be made out to DDBC. Please turn in ads as complete as possible.

2- Kids Clinic- Kids Clinic is a great fund raiser and each Diamond is required to bring 1 child to the clinic. The cost of the Clinic is $25, it includes a ticket to Spring Show, a kids clinic t-shirt that can be worn at all DISD schools, and a pizza lunch. Should the Diamond not bring a child to the clinic, she is required to bring $25 as her fair share for this fund raiser by April 9, 2011.

3- Spring Show Raffle- This year we are going to raffle off 4 Visa Cards instead of Raffle baskets at Spring Show. All Diamonds are required to bring $10 to donate to this raffle. The $10 donation is due by March 4, 2011 along with the ads sales. This includes all Diamonds, Diamonds in Training, and Directors. We will all donate $10 for the raffle of 4 $200 Visa cards.

4- Spring Show Ticket Sales- All Diamonds are required to sell a minimum of 10 Spring Show Tickets at $5 in advance. After they turn in the money for these 10 Spring Show tickets they will receive a FREE Banquet ticket to the Diamonds end of year Banquet to be held May 26, 2011.

To summarize all costs for the Spring Semester for Diamonds-

• Ads- $25

• Kids Clinic- $25

• Spring Show Visa Raffle- $10

• Spring Show ticket sales- $50

• Total Fair share buy-out- $110, only if Diamond does not sell, the only out of pocket cost SHOULD be $10 Visa raffle