To the Dickinson Diamonds web-site.

We hope this becomes a great means of communication for the Directors, the Booster Club, the Diamonds and their parents.

Please check back on a weekly basis for the latest Diamond news.

Thank you!

Dickinson Diamonds Booster Club

Last week of Football

It's hard to believe that our football season has almost come to an end.  We are so proud of all our Diamonds - they have worked incredibly hard this season and have been the shining stars at each game. While they have been learning routines, polishing steps and practicing, practicing, practicing, there has also been a lot of behind the scenes activity going on.  We want to take a moment and say thanks to all the parents, grandparents, family members and friends who have helped our Diamonds shine this season!

Special thanks to:
Our Diamond Photographer: Jennifer Wilkins
Our Communications Secretary: Anita Hughes
Our Football Chaperone Coordinator, Supplies, First Aid and Snack Coordinator: Monica Eaddy
Our Costume Volunteers (who made the cute Pebbles outfits): Kay Harrigan and Wadene West
 - thanks also to the parents, diamonds who helped sew the extra hook-n-eyes on the costumes
Our Snack and Concession Stand Coordinator and Awesome Treasurer: Wadene West
Our Studs and Managers: Shelby, Jared, Anna, Brittany, Carrie
Our Wonderful Directors: Ms Mills and Ms Hardage
Our Homecoming Chairperson, Booster President and overall Coordinator: Shellie Vaughan
 - thanks to everyone who worked the Homecoming Dance...it was a huge success!
Our Homecoming Photographers: Tracy McMeekin and Jennifer Wilkins
Our Security Dads: Mr Maldonado, Mr Montemayor, Mr Hughes, Mr Lundstrom, Mr Frank, Mr Thorn, Mr McMeekin, Mr Deem, Mr Eaddy and Mr Wickware
Our Chaperone Moms: Ms Ana, Ms Vickie, Ms Anita, Ms Johanna, Ms Holly, Ms Annette, Ms Deanna, Ms Chanda, Ms Mille, Ms Ruby, Ms Tracy, Ms LaNita, Ms Pat
Our Concession Stand Workers & Snack Parents
Our Bobs (Fred Flintstones) who danced with our beautiful Pebbles!
Our Halftime Announcer: Jonathan Hughes

Wow, I'm probably missing someone but I think you get the idea that every parent and volunteer helps our organization run!  Thanks for all that you do in getting your girls to practice, encouraging them and helping them accomplish so much.  We love our girls and we love our volunteers.

Thanks again for a terrific 2011 Season. Don't forget - one more game - this Saturday vs Clear Brook at 2 pm at the Creek Stadium.  Hope to see you there one last time cheering on our Gators and our Dickinson Diamonds!

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