To the Dickinson Diamonds web-site.

We hope this becomes a great means of communication for the Directors, the Booster Club, the Diamonds and their parents.

Please check back on a weekly basis for the latest Diamond news.

Thank you!

Dickinson Diamonds Booster Club

October is coming!

There are a lot of exciting things coming up for our Dickinson Diamonds in the month of October. First let me say, thanks to all (Diamonds, Charms, Royals, Parents, Friends, etc)  who helped with the car wash last weekend.  It was a very successful fundraiser!

October brings Homecoming and all the events surrounding Homecoming (the parade, carnival, game and of course our big fundraiser - the Homecoming Dance!) The rest of September and moving into October will also bring five more football games that include another night in the Concessions Stand (Sept 30), Homecoming (Oct 15) Parent Night and Bob and Sue Dance (Oct 28) to name a few.

Here are the highlights for our parents, Diamonds and fans:

Sept 30 - Football Game (Home) vs Brazoswood.  Concessions Stand Night for the Diamonds.  If you are already signed up to work - please report to the main concession stand no later than 5:30 to be assigned to your work station for the evening.  If you have not signed up yet please contact Shellie Vaughan at lowball98@aol.com

October 3-14 - Homecoming Dance Tickets on sale.  Each Diamond must sell a minimum of 10 tickets. Ticket cost is $5 each.

October 7 - Football Game (away) at Pearland

October 11 - Booster Club Mtg at 7 pm in the DHS Cafeteria

Homecoming Events:
October 12 - Homecoming Parade - 5 pm
October 14 - Homecoming Game vs Alvin - 7 pm
October 15 - Homecoming Dance - 7-11 pm

October 20 - (Thursday) Football Game (away) at Springs (CCISD Stadium)

October 24, 25, 27 - Bob and Sue Dance practices - 6:00 - 6:30

October 26 - Early Release Day/no practice

October 28 - Football Game (Home) Parent's Night and Bob and Sue Dance

October 31 - No School

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