To the Dickinson Diamonds web-site.

We hope this becomes a great means of communication for the Directors, the Booster Club, the Diamonds and their parents.

Please check back on a weekly basis for the latest Diamond news.

Thank you!

Dickinson Diamonds Booster Club

2010 - 2011 Military Officers

Congratulations to the 2010 - 2011 Military Officers

Alaina Hughes
Anna Detter
Brianne Louiverre
Cailei Griego
Chrissy Seifert
Jenny Meyers
Lindzey Duvall

Spring Show Parent Practice Schedule

Practice for the Parent dances will start next week (3/29). Practices will be held on Tuesdays or Thursdays in the dance room from 6:00- 7:00 PM. In the event that a parent cannot attend a practice please make sure your Diamond is present.

3/30 - Mom & Daughter
4/1- Dad & Daughter
4/6 - Mom & Daughter
4/8 - Dad & Daughter
4/13 - We will run both parent dances

Mom & Daughther Dance is for all Diamonds. Dad & Daughter is for Seniors ONLY.

Spring Show Tickets

Spring Show Tickets are being passed out 3/23/10.

•Each Diamond is REQUIRED to pre-sell AT LEAST 10 tickets – by selling 10 tickets the Diamond will get her banquet ticket free
•Each Diamond is given 10 tickets/night to sell. You have to turn in your money before you are given more tickets.
•The tickets are numbered and are assigned to the Diamond by numbers. The Diamonds is responsible for the tickets/money, if tickets/money are lost/stolen the Diamond will have to pay for the tickets. $5/ticket.
•ALL unsold tickets and money are due NO LATER than Friday, 4/9/10.
•Mrs. Wadene and Diamonds parents will sell unsold tickets during lunches starting, Tuesday, 4/13/10.
•Tickets are $5 pre-sell and $10 at the door.
•Because Spring Show usually sells out, it is strongly advised that parents, relatives, friends, pre buy their tickets.
•Parents who are volunteering for Spring Show, will need to buy a ticket for a performance on a night that they are not volunteering. Volunteers will not be able to watch during their shift.

Diamonds in the Rough are required to sell at least 5 tickets, banquet does not apply to Diamonds in the Rough.