To the Dickinson Diamonds web-site.

We hope this becomes a great means of communication for the Directors, the Booster Club, the Diamonds and their parents.

Please check back on a weekly basis for the latest Diamond news.

Thank you!

Dickinson Diamonds Booster Club

Constitution and Installment Payment Due This Week

Thanks to all the Diamonds and Parents who came out for the Booster Meeting last night! Please remember that the constitution and all paper-work is due on Thursday, May 19th. All 2011-2012 Diamonds are required to meet after school on Thursday with Ms Mills.  The next installment payments are due on Friday, May 20th.

Miltos & Socos - $200.00
Diamond Vets - $65.00
New-News - see Ms Mills for more information

Don't forget to check the blog weekly.
Looking forward to a great year!