To the Dickinson Diamonds web-site.

We hope this becomes a great means of communication for the Directors, the Booster Club, the Diamonds and their parents.

Please check back on a weekly basis for the latest Diamond news.

Thank you!

Dickinson Diamonds Booster Club

Homecoming Dance Volunteers

The Dickinson Homecoming Dance is scheduled for Saturday, October 15th.  A planning meeting for all dance volunteers will be held this Thursday, Sept 22nd at 7 pm in the HS Cafeteria.  The agenda for the mtg will be to plan and coordinate the following;

Ticket design/printing/sales
Ticket/money collectors
Bag Check
DJ set-up and class favorites awards
ROTC scheduling
Homecoming King/Queen special invites

Anyone who would like to help out with this year's Homecoming Dance may attend the Thursday meeting or contact Homecoming Chair, Shellie Vaughan, at lowball98@aol.com Thanks again for supporting your Dickinson Diamonds.