To the Dickinson Diamonds web-site.

We hope this becomes a great means of communication for the Directors, the Booster Club, the Diamonds and their parents.

Please check back on a weekly basis for the latest Diamond news.

Thank you!

Dickinson Diamonds Booster Club

Notes from Ms Mills

Thanks to everyone who attended the mandatory mtg in January.  Here is a re-cap of the notes Ms Mills passed out about our spring show.

Spring Show Ads
Each Diamond is asked to solicit two businesses to purchase ads for the spring show program.
Each Diamond is required to sell a minimum of one $35 ad (personal or business) for the program.

Visa Raffle at Spring Show
We will again be raffling off a Visa Card at the spring show.  This was a big success last year.  Each Diamond is required to donate $10 for the card.

Kids Clinic
Kids Clinic has been scheduled for Saturday, April 14th (9 am-2 pm). Each Diamond is required to sell one clinic ticket of $25 or pay at fair share the $25.  The Kids Clinic participants will perform on Thursday evening (April 19)

Spring Show
The 2012 Diamonds Spring Show "Our Finest Hour" will be performed on Thursday April 19th and Friday April 20th to sold-out crowds.  Buy your tickets early and support your Dickinson Diamonds.  Each Diamond will receive 10 tickets to sell or will be given the option to fair-share buy-out equaling $50.  Once each Diamond has sold their 10 tickets, they will receive their free banquet ticket. (in May)

Recap of expenses
Three items from current fundraiser
$35 Ad
$10 Visa Raffle
$25 Kids Clinic
$50 Spring Show Tickets

Diamonds should have no trouble selling these items and out of pocket expense can be as low as the $10 for the Visa giftcard.  If a Diamond/or parent chooses not to participate in the fundraising opportunities - they will need to pay approximately $150 (depending on current fundraiser)