To the Dickinson Diamonds web-site.

We hope this becomes a great means of communication for the Directors, the Booster Club, the Diamonds and their parents.

Please check back on a weekly basis for the latest Diamond news.

Thank you!

Dickinson Diamonds Booster Club

Committee Meetings

If you have signed up to be on one of the following committees please plan to attend the corresponding meetings. If you did not sign up but would like to, please contact Mrs.Mills at tmills@dickinsonisd.org

Spring Show Committee- Meeting - Feb 2 at 7:00 pm, DHS Cafeteria

Contest Committee- Meeting - Feb 16 at 7:00 pm, DHS Cafeteria

Fundraising Committee 10/11 trips - Meeting #1 - Mar 9, 7:30 pm, DHS Cafeteria

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