To the Dickinson Diamonds web-site.

We hope this becomes a great means of communication for the Directors, the Booster Club, the Diamonds and their parents.

Please check back on a weekly basis for the latest Diamond news.

Thank you!

Dickinson Diamonds Booster Club

Homecoming Dance and Concession Volunteers

Please sign up to help with the Homecoming Dance on October 3 and to work Concessions at the Football game on Thursday, November 5. These are both GREAT fundraisers for the Diamonds.

We HAVE to have 12 volunteers for Concessions.

And as many as possible for the Homecoming dance. WE LOVE HAVING DADS AT THE HOMECOMING DANCE ;)

To volunteer please email Lisa Cook-Douglas at LDouglas@dickinsonisd.org you can also sign up at the Booster Meeting Tuesday, 9/15/09.

Thank you EVERYONE!!!

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