To the Dickinson Diamonds web-site.

We hope this becomes a great means of communication for the Directors, the Booster Club, the Diamonds and their parents.

Please check back on a weekly basis for the latest Diamond news.

Thank you!

Dickinson Diamonds Booster Club

Spring Show Kudos

Congratulations to all the Diamonds and their guests for a tremendous show last week! Our Finest Hour was the theme of the show and the dancers proved that to be true as they took the stage (many for the very last time) as  Dickinson Diamonds. We wish all of our seniors best of luck in their future endeavors and hope they remember what a wonderful experience this has been.  Special thanks to our awesome directors, Ms Traci Mills and Ms Kelsey Hardage and to our Diamond Booster Board for all their hard work! Thanks to our Board President Ms Shellie Vaughan who, once again, went over and beyond the call of duty to make this year's show so memorable.

If you have pictures that you would like to add to the facebook album - please add them once the album is started or get a disk of pictures to the Diamond secretary (Anita Hughes) or Colonel Alaina Hughes. If you need more information, you can contact the secretary at diamondsecretary@gmail.com

Our Finest Hour

Our Finest Hour Spring Show dates are April 19th and 20th. Tickets will be going on sale April 2nd. They sell quickly so make sure to get your tickets early. 

Week of March 26 - Ensemble practices (Mon-Thurs) until 4:15 pm

Mom & Dad Dances - All Diamonds and their moms are invited to perform in the mom dance this year.  It will be "Girls Night Out" theme so find your best western wear and come to practice ready to shine!  Mom/Diamond rehearsals are April 10 & 12 in the dance room at 6 pm.  All Senior Diamonds will be dancing a sweet dance with their dads. The Diamonds will wear a sundress of their choice and we ask that dads wear nice slacks and shirts.  You may coordinate colors with your Diamond.  Practices for Dads/Senior Diamonds are April 3 & 5 at 6 om in the dance room.   Dress Rehearsals will be on April 18th for moms and dads.

Mandatory Booster Mtg - Tuesday, April 10th at 7 pm. All parents and Diamonds must attend. The meeting will be held in the new lecture hall.

Diamond Kids Clinic - One of our best fundraisers is back in time for spring show.  The date for the Kids Clinic is Saturday, April 14th.  Please see registration form in the Forms section of this blog or check with your Diamond for more information.  Kids Clinic Participants will perform at the Spring Show on April 19th.

Ads - Senior shots

Ads for the Spring Show were due Tuesday, March 6th.  Each Diamond was required to sell a $35 ad of some type (business or personal). If you have not turned that in yet - please do so by Friday. (March 9th)
Please send ads to dickinsondiamondsssads@gmail.com

Also, this Friday, Mrs Wilkin is coming to take pictures for the Senior Slide Show during 7th period.  The senior diamonds should wear a cute dress or nice outfit if you would like Ms Jennifer to take your picture. 

Senior Girls: Baby pictures and current pictures should be sent to Mrs Wilkin at jennifer_wilkin@comcast.net

Notes from Ms Mills

Thanks to everyone who attended the mandatory mtg in January.  Here is a re-cap of the notes Ms Mills passed out about our spring show.

Spring Show Ads
Each Diamond is asked to solicit two businesses to purchase ads for the spring show program.
Each Diamond is required to sell a minimum of one $35 ad (personal or business) for the program.

Visa Raffle at Spring Show
We will again be raffling off a Visa Card at the spring show.  This was a big success last year.  Each Diamond is required to donate $10 for the card.

Kids Clinic
Kids Clinic has been scheduled for Saturday, April 14th (9 am-2 pm). Each Diamond is required to sell one clinic ticket of $25 or pay at fair share the $25.  The Kids Clinic participants will perform on Thursday evening (April 19)

Spring Show
The 2012 Diamonds Spring Show "Our Finest Hour" will be performed on Thursday April 19th and Friday April 20th to sold-out crowds.  Buy your tickets early and support your Dickinson Diamonds.  Each Diamond will receive 10 tickets to sell or will be given the option to fair-share buy-out equaling $50.  Once each Diamond has sold their 10 tickets, they will receive their free banquet ticket. (in May)

Recap of expenses
Three items from current fundraiser
$35 Ad
$10 Visa Raffle
$25 Kids Clinic
$50 Spring Show Tickets

Diamonds should have no trouble selling these items and out of pocket expense can be as low as the $10 for the Visa giftcard.  If a Diamond/or parent chooses not to participate in the fundraising opportunities - they will need to pay approximately $150 (depending on current fundraiser)

January Notes

Congratulations Diamonds on the excellent work at the January Jubilee. The girls all worked hard and Dickinson should be proud.  Spring Show is right around the corner - the dates have been set for April 19 &20 (Mark your calendars) The girls have already started working on new routines so be aware that after school practices will be starting up soon.  Here's what happening for the rest of January:

January 24th - BLING performs at Boys Basketball Game - 7 pm
January 25th - Dickinson Early Release Day
January 26th - PomCo practice after school until 3:30 pm

January 30th - Fundraiser for Spring Show begins - each Diamond will be required to sell 3 items.
January 31st - Diamonds sign-up for ensembles in 7th period

Stay tuned on the blog for more Spring Show announcements and continue to support our Dickinson Diamonds!

January Jubilee

Contest Checklist January Jubilee January 14, 2012

Team Jazz

• Costume: Blue top/ Black velour pant/ black socks/ black jazz shoes/ Gloves and Hat

• Hair: In low ponytail, parted on left, slicked back

• Make-up: Darker eyes, mascara, RED lipstick (no pink or gloss)

Team Modern

• Costume: Sliver and Black top/ Black leotard/ Black hot shorts/ Bodytights/ Barefeet

• Hair: Low ponytail, parted on left and slicked back

• Make-up: DARK!!! Streaky blush, super dark eyes, dark red or maroon lipstick

Radiance Jazz

• Costume:

• Hair:

• Make-up:

Radiance Lyrical

• Costume: Black tunic/ black hot short/ bodytights/ paws

• Hair: Low ponytail, parted on left and slicked back

• Make-up: Dark, but softer than Modern, Red Lipstick

Officer Lyrical

• Costume: Secrets top/ black hot shorts/ bodytights and paws

• Hair: Low ponytail, parted on left and slicked back

• Make-up: Same as Rad Lyrical


• Costume: on own nerds with Team Jazz top under/ hot shorts/ glasses/ hats/ etc

• Hair: Hidden under hats or in bun?

• Make-up: Same as Team Jazz

NO costumes will be issued out. We will take costumes to FHS and issue out there. After performance, you are to go to the dressing room and turn in your costumes to a Team Mom immediately.

What to wear: Team Baseball shirt, warm-up pants, warm-up jacket, shoes of your choice

What to bring: Tote bag with all make-up, undergarments, shoes, hair products, etc, money for concessions and contest shirts (approx. $30 total)

Where to meet: At 8:45AM, meet Mrs. Mills in the front hall of FHS near the registration table. We will walk to our dressing rooms together.

Expectations: You are expected to watch all Diamond performances in the gym, including Solos. You are to conduct yourself as a lady at all times, and show good sportsmanship at all times by cheering for every team that performs, just a little louder for our Diamonds

Admissions: All spectators will need to pay an $8 admission fee upon arrival. Any exceptions for children will be noted at admission desk.

Schedule of performances:

• Military Officer lyrical 10:45AM Boys gym

• Radiance Jazz 11:45 Boys Gym

• Team Modern 1:00 Boys Gym

• Ali Deem 2:16 Solo Gym

• Stephanie McSheehy 2:20 Solo Gym

• Jona Cordero 2:24 Solo Gym

• Alejandra Hernandez 2:28 Solo Gym

• Alexis Hernandez 2:32 Solo Gym

• Melanie Bagwell 2:36 Solo Gym

• Alaina Hughes 2:40 Solo Gym

• Radiance Lyrical 4:05 Boys gym

• Team Jazz 6:00 Boys gym

• McAdams Royals Lyrical 7:15 Boys gym

• McAdams Royals Kick 8:20 Boys gym

• Awards will begin at 8:45PM