To the Dickinson Diamonds web-site.

We hope this becomes a great means of communication for the Directors, the Booster Club, the Diamonds and their parents.

Please check back on a weekly basis for the latest Diamond news.

Thank you!

Dickinson Diamonds Booster Club

Friday Night Lights

What a sight each Friday night as the Dickinson Diamonds march into the stadium.
We love our Diamonds!! 

There are so many volunteers involved in helping our Diamonds shine each week. A big THANKS to the Concession Stand volunteers who worked so diligently on September 9th & 30th. Your support and the generosity of your valuable time will not be forgotten!  Also thanks to those who have been working as Chaperones, Security Dads and Snack Coordinators. 

Please keep in mind that if you are scheduled as a volunteer in any position, you must confirm your status with Diamond Booster Volunteer, Monica Eaddy at radgsar650@yahoo.com so that we know you are ready to go! If you have not confirmed yet, please contact her as soon as possible!

Here are the volunteers scheduled for the next two games:

This week, Friday October 7th - (Away) at Pearland
Security Dads: Ruben Maldonado, Mike Frank, Jonathan Hughes and Jason McMeekin
Chaperones: Deanna Moore, Holly Frank, Anita Hughes, Ruby Torres
Snack Person: Shellie Vaughan

Next week, Friday, October 14th (Homecoming Game)
Security Dads: Ruben Maldonado, Ricky Lundstrom, Anthony Wickware
Chaperones: Millie Martinez, Vickie Montemayor, Johanna Yanas, Anita Hughes
Snack Person: Jozette Green

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